Cost Reduction & Recovery
Analyzing contracts, invoices and inventories quickly and effectively… eliminating waste & overages.
- Applying price-point analysis & right-sizing (using Nesterra benchmark data)
- Conducting contract audit against invoices –identifying overcharge & waste
- Facilitating contract enhancement –leveraging proven carrier strategies
- Actioning on multiple data & voice line spend reduction opportunities (including features elimination/ conversions, TFN porting & advanced features, trunk group rationalization, Centrex migrations, and more)
Risk Reduction
Analyzing infrastructure entry points, port level and trust zone security, mitigating & eliminating risk through direct action & strategic planning.
- Eliminating dangerous external access points (addressing audit issues, MRAs, etc.)
- Automating management of 3rd Party locations, circuits, devices, and B2B tunnels
- Establishing & operationalizing LAN/WAN security management best practices
- Building a global site, circuit & device inventory (accurate and automated)
- Developing gap assessment & resolution business plans (examples: Network Access Controls, Port Level Security, Network Segmentation, etc.)
Network Optimization
Analyzing capacity, utilization, and requirements, and providing more cost effective & efficient alternatives.
- Conducting voice line white-listing & determinant testing & analysis
- Conducting data bandwidth & utilization analysis
- Developing location needs categorization and verify capacity levels
- Identifying unused and unneeded inventory, define standards
- Building an efficient ‘suspension’ and disconnect controls engine (tools, resources, comms and SOPs)
Operational Efficiency
Mapping operational workflow and instituting industry best practices in parallel with the new more user-friendly SaaS technology we introduce.
- Cleaning up and reorganize accounts
- Analyzing and consolidate supplier base
- Creating knowledge management, resource resiliency, and integral process workflows
- Defining support team structure & provide training
- Instituting supplier management process (meeting cadence, audit and updates)